Home >Austria

School description

REALGYMNASIUM DES SCHULVEREINES AM BENEDIKTINERSTIFT is a Grammar school situated in Lambach, Upper Austria.

Lambach has about 4000 inhabitants. The school has about 350 pupils, 35 teachers and 14 classes. The pupils, who are between 10 and 18 years old, come from the rural area - surrounding villages but also towns about 20 km away as there is a good train connection. The school is run by Benedictine monks. They take care of the building and equipment, but the teachers are paid by the state. The school offers afternoon activities like the drama club, school choir and also takes part in Science Olympic Competitions.

The monastery which hosts our school as well as the business college, was founded in the 11th century. In the original church are Roman frescoes which date back to that era. This church, as well as the library and the Baroque theatre (which was used for the first time for performing a theatre play in 1770 when Marie Antoinette, daughter of Austrian Empress Maria Theresia stayed in Lambach overnight on her way to France to marry the Emperor of France, Louis XVI), are perfect locations for filmmaking, giving an impression of the importance of monasteries as they preserver the cultural heritage throughout centuries.

From April to November 2016, the Upper Austrian national exhibition, which was visited by almost 300 000 visitors, took place partly in the Benedictine Monastery, partly in its surroundings – the historic/cultural part of this exhibition, was held at the Benedictine monastery.

Country amd city description

Country description

City description



Klosterplatz 1
4650 Lambach
